Tuesday 27 February 2024

water on ice

 A thin layer of water on the ice. Freezing weather may produce great skating on the lake.

Friday 23 February 2024

Thin Ice

 Just off the shore, along the Benoir-Elephant Lake Wetlands, the ice is thin. Machine through the ice yesterday. 

Thursday 8 February 2024

10,000 pounds of wood

 So you want to burn wood to heat your cottage? Listen to this.

On Oct. 9, 2023 we started the first of our two wood stoves to heat our 2000 sq. ft. cottage. (Another 

1000 sq ft unheated.) We calculated the amount of wood, well seasoned, brought into the house. Each green container averaged 25 pounds. As of today, 400 boxes have been brought into the cottage. This makes 10,000 pounds of wood burned.  Only hardwood used. Daytime temperature in cottage averaged about 22 degrees. Down to usually 19 at night.

The weight of wet wood for 400 containers, would be 14,492 pounds. Wood dries to 69 % initial weight. 

The number of bush cords used will be obtained later. 

This has been an unusually warm winter. A normal season would require more wood.  It probably makes more sense to install a heat exchanger and only use wood when outdoor temperature reaches -18 and colder?