Tuesday 27 August 2024



Seven loads of 5/8 limestone deposited for future washouts and road repair. Six washout storms this summer. More to come.

Monday 20 May 2024

Free shelf

Michele has a free shelf for anyone interested. Contact her.



Sunday 5 May 2024

Lost and found

53 views on blog yesterday. This is almost as good as Family Day views.


Monday 29 April 2024

Second ditching

 7 views of blog yesterday.

Ditching by beaver pond at south end new road.


Tuesday 23 April 2024

Trailer plate

 33 views of blog yesterday. Very high number

A squirrel knocked out the power on Guest Trail this morning, front of Hannahson cottage. Hydro, our heros, restored the power.

Trailer licence plate found on Clarke Rd, south of Y. In hanging on 911 sign.

Monday 8 April 2024

Swans are back


           17 views of the blog yesterday. Looks like lots of people are ready to commit to a summer.

                        It looks like the two swans from last year like our ELCA. Rock 'n roll.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Open Water!


                                              Lake is entirely open. Ice disappeared last night.

Friday 1 March 2024


Power has been restored after two days. The problem was a small tree that fell on the lines. It was not enough force to pull the wires down, but it caused several wires to get 'close enough', that  they 'shorted out'.

So there is only ONE hydro line that serves the ELCA. It runs from the Elephant Lake Lodge area, to the small island to the south, then the line continues to our main island, west side (JJ property). Then the lines run to the remainder of the cottages. 

Hydro has a green, ground level transformer at Boston's, with a large coil of cable that comes from the lake. It is not in operation and the hydro people say it is for use in the future. Apparently it gives the cables time to settle into the lake before hook up to transformer.  Probably a replacement. But, there has been a suggestion that the Nudist Colony at the north end of Clarke Rd may need power. Unknown at this time.

Half load restrictions on the roads now in effect. Early start this year.


Tuesday 27 February 2024

water on ice

 A thin layer of water on the ice. Freezing weather may produce great skating on the lake.

Friday 23 February 2024

Thin Ice

 Just off the shore, along the Benoir-Elephant Lake Wetlands, the ice is thin. Machine through the ice yesterday. 

Thursday 8 February 2024

10,000 pounds of wood

 So you want to burn wood to heat your cottage? Listen to this.

On Oct. 9, 2023 we started the first of our two wood stoves to heat our 2000 sq. ft. cottage. (Another 

1000 sq ft unheated.) We calculated the amount of wood, well seasoned, brought into the house. Each green container averaged 25 pounds. As of today, 400 boxes have been brought into the cottage. This makes 10,000 pounds of wood burned.  Only hardwood used. Daytime temperature in cottage averaged about 22 degrees. Down to usually 19 at night.

The weight of wet wood for 400 containers, would be 14,492 pounds. Wood dries to 69 % initial weight. 

The number of bush cords used will be obtained later. 

This has been an unusually warm winter. A normal season would require more wood.  It probably makes more sense to install a heat exchanger and only use wood when outdoor temperature reaches -18 and colder?

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Break in

 Hi gang, There is a video on Facebook of two people breaking into a cottage on Baptiste Lake. They may have been identified.

You can contact Ed  for the Facebook connection 

Ed has agreed that you can contact him for the relay.


Some far, our ELCA seems to be free of break-ins this winter. Rock 'n roll!

Thanks Ed.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Dog problem

A problem has developed having dogs walking in the snow. After not a long walk, the dog had problems with ice building up on the paws.  Maybe booties will solve the problem?

Tuesday 16 January 2024

PH Drag

 Over 12" of powder snow on the road. But thanks to PH, it has been groomed and widened.

Thursday 4 January 2024

A Lucky Day


  On July 19, 2006, at 9:30 pm a man banged on our cottage window and yelled, "fire on your island--we need buckets!" I looked down the hill from our cottage and saw flames about 4 feet high, easy to see in the dark.

   Luckily we had several buckets handy. These volunteers were carrying water from the lake and climbing about 40 feet up the incline to reach the fire.

   The fire was spotted from across the lake at Sandy Acres and two cottagers came across the lake in a boat to fight the fire--in the dark!

   Fortunately, the water line from our submersible pump in the lake was close to the fire. We cut the line, turned on the pump and dragged the end to the fire. Without this pump close by, it is doubtful that the fire could have been contained, since the fire was advancing up the hill and there was lots of combustible brush around. We believe that our cottage would have been burnt out during the night as we were sleeping.

   One of the volunteers pointed to a circular area that he thought was probably a  'hot spot' where someone was cooking and had a fire and was the start of the fire.