Sunday 29 November 2020

From Cottage Journal, Nov. 29, 2013

-23 degrees  at 6:30 am.  Ice on lake 5" thick.  Clearing of snow to make skating rink. 

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Monday 16 November 2020

Wind storm


From the island to Tusk Trail, this was the only tree down on the road after our wind storm.  In day light it is not a problem, but in the dark is becomes difficult.

No damage to cottages.  Cool. 

Friday 6 November 2020

Road to Riffles

 The municipality has been asked to establish some signs at the fork of Clarke Rd and the newly established road that heads north to the riffles..

In the dark of night it might be difficult to see Clarke road as the curve and it would result in a person continuing in a straight line on the wrong road.  Besides, a 911 number will be necessary of a road name.

Apparently this 300 to 400 acres at the end of the road was obtained by bids for back taxes.

Thursday 5 November 2020


 This fall has been very bad for mice. 

 In fact, in the 12 years that we have lived at the cottage, it is the worst.  They can get into everything.  One cottager has them nest and destroy an oven.  Another nested in the air intact of a snowmobile and was sucked into the engine (replace the piston!)

The best way to partially solve the problem is to set up a 5 gallon bucket, with a wire through a pop can with peanut butter on the can. Put plumbers antifreeze in the bucket, maybe 2 inches.  Make a ramp up to the top of the bucket.  The mice quickly drown.  In the cold of the winter the antifreeze will freeze, but it does not expand.   And no smell when you return next spring.

One cottager

got 19 mice over  weekend.